
Videogame “A video game is a computer system that involves multiple technologies and artistic disciplines to create a space of fiction with challenges and objectives, where one or more people have fun and interact to express themselves, socialize and learn.” References NALLAR, Durgan Alberto, Diseño de juego en América latina. Estructura lúdica, Ed. del autor, …

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Variable Ratio Schedule

Variable Ratio Schedule “A Conditioning technique where responses to an action are of unpredictable amounts. In a video game, this means that defeating one bandit may result in the reward of a single coin, yet defeating a second bandit may result in the reward of three coins.” References Sheldon, Lee (2012) The Multiplayer Classroom: Designing …

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Variable Interval Schedule

Variable Interval Schedule “A conditioning technique where responses to an action may occur at unpredictable times. In a video game, this could mean that a mob will now spawn (appear) at noon every Thursday.” References Sheldon, Lee (2012) The Multiplayer Classroom: Designing Coursebook as a Game. Boston, MA: Cengage Learning. Author [yadawiki link=”Lucas” show=”Lucas”]